Lesson series
齊來茁壯 Together We Flourish
朋輩支援訓練 Peer Supporter Training
This 5-hour online learning can help consolidate
your learning in the Peer Supporter Training!
This 5-hour online learning can help consolidate
your learning in the Peer Supporter Training!
學習內容 Learning Content
2 個自我照顧活動 (含影片教學)
2 Self Care Activities (with video instructions) -
1 個尋求幫助的個案研究
1 Help-seeking Case study -
1 朋輩支援行動
1 Peer Support Action
Other Learning Paths
If you have not complete the Training Survey and Knowledge Test, please click the link below:
訓練前期問卷 Bilingual Pre Training Survey:
If you have not complete the Training Survey and Knowledge Test, please click the link below:
訓練前期問卷 Bilingual Pre Training Survey:
訓練前期測驗 Pre-Knowledge Test:
CN: https://form.typeform.com/to/bhG1If9BEN: https://form.typeform.com/to/NvePm6ga
訓練後期測驗 Post-Knowledge Test:
CN: https://form.typeform.com/to/lHM95yXX
訓練前期測驗 Pre-Knowledge Test:
CN: https://form.typeform.com/to/bhG1If9BEN: https://form.typeform.com/to/NvePm6ga
訓練後期測驗 Post-Knowledge Test:
CN: https://form.typeform.com/to/lHM95yXX
About Together We Flourish
A community youth mental health initiative
A community youth mental health initiative
「齊來茁壯 – 青年社區精神健康計劃」是一項為期兩年由領展「愛·匯聚計劃」贊助的社區計劃。我們希望以嶄新的多層支援模式進入學校及社區,提升黃大仙區青年的身心靈健康。並為黃大仙區帶來一個正面及快樂的氛圍。
"Together We Flourish" is a two-year community project funded by Link Together Initiatives that aims to empower and uplift the Wong Tai Sin District. Through innovative initiatives and a multi-tiered support model, we seek to create a vibrant and thriving environment for the community, and to promote the mental well-being of the district’s youth.
"Together We Flourish" is a two-year community project funded by Link Together Initiatives that aims to empower and uplift the Wong Tai Sin District. Through innovative initiatives and a multi-tiered support model, we seek to create a vibrant and thriving environment for the community, and to promote the mental well-being of the district’s youth.